After keeping me most of the day and since I wasn't still actively bleeding, they decided to send me home on bed rest. What a way to spend Mother's Day weekend. On Monday when I called my Dr. they said since I was 36 weeks now, I could resume normal activity, but just take it easy. Well I had a feeling that he was coming that week so I was running errands all day on Monday trying to get ready. Sure enough on Tuesday at 1:00 in the morning the bleeding started again. We went back to the hospital where they ran through the same routine they had on Saturday. They still could not find anything wrong and they had no idea why I was bleeding. Throughout the day on Tuesday I continued to bleed off and on. I was dilated to a 4 and was 80% effaced by late morning. Finally my Dr. said she wanted to just induce me because neither one of us was comfortable w/ the bleeding since we had no idea where it was coming from.
So they broke my water and started the pitoson about an hour later. I went from a 4 to a ten in an hour! Thank heavens for epidurals is all I have to say! :) London arrived in perfect health and we feel so blessed that everything turned out so well. When the Dr. checked over my placenta she found a small tear, too small for u/s to detect or to cause me any discomfort. It just reaffirmed to me that my Dr. and I made the right decision! So that is my crazy delivery tale! Here are some pics of our little cutie...enjoy!