Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best Primary Ever!!!

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE our new ward? I do miss our old friends dearly, but we feel so blessed to have moved into a new fabulous ward! Our primary is HUGE, which has been great for the boys since there are so many kids their age that not only live close by, but they attend the same school as well. This past Saturday the primary put on a fantastic, fun water activity! The kids all learned about different scripture stories while having a blast playing in the water. There were over 100 kids there even though several families were out of town. Weston took the boys while I stayed home with London. Luckily another parent took over 400 pics of the activity and he got some great ones of my boys! A HUGE thank you to my friend Mindi (our primary pres.) and the entire presidency for a job well done!!


The kids trying to knock down Goliath! You can spot Carson in dark blue towards the middle.

Carson doing the bucket race.

Weston is a Primary teacher and he was in charge of the slip and slide station...lucky!

He got some great shots of Logan doing the slip and slide!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

Last month we had Heather Dahle from "Delightful Photography" shoot our family at the Sonoran Desert Museum. This has become one of our family's favorite spots in Tucson. I wanted the pictures to really showcase the natural beauty of the desert we live in. Heather accompished this and so much more! Let me apologize in advance for the amount of photos in this post. It's too hard to narrow them down! :)

Heather captured some amazing nature shots!