Monday, May 13, 2013

Our weekend wrap up…London turns 4!

This year London’s 4th birthday fell on Mother’s Day Sunday. We decided to celebrate his special day on Saturday so we could make the day ALL about him! He started the day waking up to a curtain of balloons leading to his presents, and his breakfast of choice…chocolate chip pancakes! After breakfast he opened his presents and had a chance to play with his new toys while daddy and I got ready. We had a FUN day trip planned to Phoenix to go to Makutu’s! London LOVES Makutu’s and always has so much fun climbing through all of the tunnels, robe bridges, and sliding down the various tube slides. When we finished playing we were off to dinner at Pei Wei and ice cream at Coldstone. There may or may not have been a Francesca’s right next door to Coldstone where mommy picked a little something out for Mother’s Day.


I had had a lovely Mother’s Day on Sunday. We started off the day at church where all of the mom’s were treated to some special songs sung by the primary children and chocolate!

DSC03995mothers day 2013

^^After we were home I got the rest of the day “off” so I could do a little of this and took a much needed nap!^^


^^Weston made an AMAZING salmon dinner, washed all the dishes, and got the boys ready for bed.^^


^^Of course we still had to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this cutie pie and enjoy a special birthday treat!^^


Tawnya said...

You are such a cute mama.
Happy Birthday London!!! You are such a cute little man.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Tawnya said! You are all babes!